So much water under the bridge since I wrote in this blog last. I have landed at last after a bit of wandering. My husband sadly passed away four years ago when we were living in Texas. After Mickey died, I left Texas for Vancouver, WA to live with my daughter and grandson. A few months later I flew to Alabama to stay with one of my cousins. After awhile, circumstances dictated another move, I ended up here in Bagley, MN after a few months staying with my son and family in Bemidji, MN. Now residing in Cornerstone Nursing Home, I do believe this is my last earthly abode. Next destination is in heaven with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
All that said, I'm hoping to fill in the blanks with future entries of this blog. I'm trusting God to lead me in my writing...He has been prompting me to write for a long time now. Since He wants me to write, He will surely guide me.
Looking back at the last few entries I made, I realize how my focus hasn't changed that much. I am still yearning for the holiness of God. I'm still looking up! Especially through this last year of Covid madness and all the upset in the world, I have not lost my desire for deliverance from the evil of this life.
A year ago this time, I was in the hospital, admitted with respiratory failure. (I have COPD.) While there, I had a slight heart attack, a UTI, seriously low hemoglobin caused by a couple of bleeding ulcers. Talk about falling apart! This old body is a mess. I ended up in the rehab wing of this place. My son helped me to become a permanent resident. It was my decision. He and his wife would have welcomed me back into their home and actually wanted me to come back. But--I do not want to burden them. If that sounds a bit self sanctimonious, its true nevertheless. They have health issues, foster children, a big old house to maintain. A split level with stairs! The stairs were the deciding factor for me. I simply can't handle stairs anymore! I miss my cozy room, the family and the pets (most of the pets). God has been so good to me and I honestly like this place I call home now. I'll be writing about life in a nursing home in this blog.
That's enough for now. Thanks be to God for all things!