Friday, March 11, 2011

I Love Katy Kat


    This is my Katy Kat.   I believe cats are made special by God for lonely folks---most assuredly for lonely old ladies like me.   He saw to it that I was given Katy to keep my life at least a little interesting.   She is almost like having a toddler under foot.   She pesters.   She cries.   She plays without regard for what she breaks in the process.   Nice thing, though, I don't have to change diapers.   Another nice thing is she hardly ever bites anymore!    Oh yes, she had be be broken of that despicable habit.   A squirt bottle of water does the trick.   I could be the doting "mother" and fill pages and pages all about Katy but that's 'nuff for now.   I love my Katy Kat.