Tuesday, July 26, 2011


    Mornings are the best time of the day for me.  Its when I can draw near to Father God.  I am blessed with a tiny porch that has a woodsy view.  The cardinals, sparrows and other birds visit the bird feeder chirpping their "good morning" to the world.  A cup of coffee, my Katy Kat in my lap, and my Bible open completes the picture.  Oh, the still small voice of God that can only be heard in the early morning before the routine of the day intrudes!   There is an old song (I can't remember the name) about walking with Jesus in the early morning, "while the dew is still on the roses."    The Israelites always gathered their daily manna in the early morning.  "Give us this day our daily bread" means more than what we put in our mouth.  Fueling our spirit with the Word of God and prayer is even more important.  How many mornings have I missed out on all this by being too lazy to get up early enough?
     I said all that to finally get to explaining my title, "Mercy"   I usually watch the news while walking on my treadmill as part of my morning routine.  Sometimes what's flashing on the screen gags me!  I have to look away--Obama's evil face does that to me--but that's beside the point.  The reporter was absolutely thrilled to be in NYC witnessing and filming the long line of "gays" waiting to get married.   Out of my mouth popped, "God, have mercy!"
     Not audibly but I'm sure I heard Father God say, "No, I will not have mercy on that abomination!"  
     It is my understanding that when folks shake their fists in God's face, doing their "own thing" in spite of what is written in the Word of God, then, instead of mercy, only judgment can be expected.   Homosexuality is a SIN!  Its one of many, many sins that God hates!  When sin is not just tolerated but flaunted, how can we hope for mercy?
     Father, draw the lost to You that more be saved from Hell!  Raise up men of God that will preach truth!  Before its too late!  Praise Your Holy Name forever and ever!  amen                        

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