This is a re-post from the "Five Doves" site. While I don't agree with everything on that site, I do agree with this letter.
After Obama was elected but not yet in office, I saw one of his "news conferences" (how strange was that?---having news conferences before taking office). For a split second the camera swept over the "audience" which consisted of men dressed in black suits bowing to Obama. I know I saw this although it was not shown again and no one else that I know of saw it. I think it was a mistake by the camera man!
Why would anyone bow to Obama? As far as that goes, why would Obama bow to other world leaders? Does he think he is the 12th iman? Do some muslims believe that? What is going on?
God used evil leaders to punish His people when they turned from Him and worshipped demon gods. Is Obama the evil leader God is using to bring about His judgement upon our sinful nation?
This is one of the most evil, inhuman, and convoluted statements and reasoning I have ever heard. you have not figured out yet that Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) is pure evil, this should clinch it for you.
Obama was elected with no experience, no credentials, and no accomplishments, with a Muslim past and anti-American and terrorist associations, only because of his skin color.
How could this ever happen? I think I know, but I will let you figure it out.
Those who supported this evil, and continue to support him, are making a material contribution to this country's rapid demise and will be held accountable before the great Judge.