Friday, April 11, 2014

I Wanna Go Home!

About a million years ago when I was  young and dumb, having joined the WACs  for adventure and patriotism, we sang a silly song in basic training:   
When I joined the Army-
They said the food was mighty fine
A chicken leg fell off the table
And started marching time---
Gee, Mom, I want to go home
But they won't let me go home
Gee, Mom, I want to go
But they won't let me go
Gee, Mom, I want to go hoooooome!

 Now! I am singing it again, only it goes like this:  This world is not my home---I'm just passing through!    This tour of duty will end someday and I'll leave this chicken outfit called earth where the darkness grows darker everyday.    My enlistment will never end, though.  I am bound to an eternal contract with my Father God.  It was signed with the blood of Jesus, witnessed by innumerable angels,  and I'm proud to be a child of God.  Praise His Name forever.  I have never won a medal but I am promised a robe and a crown.    Amen!