A year has quickly sped by since I came to this place, The lock down began simutaneously with my arrival. My daughter-in-law brought me from the hospital for the rehab section of Cornerstone. We were shocked that she couldn't even enter the building to help me settle in. Things were just beginning. Of course, I had heard about the Corona Virus even while in the hospital. I had nightmares of the Chinese people in body bags being stuffed in the incinerators. Then the nightmare became real for the rest of the world. For me, though, I have been relatively sheltered compared with most everyone else. Social distancing, masks, hand sanitizers, testing, hand washing, and the fear that hung over one and all. The only one who died here that I know of, was Rose. She was 94, very sick and weary. She was my son's mother-in-law. I had hoped I could make friends with her here but the restrictions prevented that. I wish I had known her better. My son and daughter-in-law did some window visits....Rose was two windows down from me. When Dave and Mary came to visit, they alternated between Rose's window and mine. Rose was one of us who tested positive, had to be hospitalized and surcomed to the virus. So sad to die alone...no visitors allowed at that time in the plandemic. Lonliness had to be one of the most devestaing results of the whole thing, especially for the elderly. I say especially but not necessarily so. Lonliness is a terrible thing for anyone and everyone.
A couple of days ago Dave visited on his way home from work. It was the first time he could actually come to my room. How about that? Things are definently improving. I pray this virus madness will all go away soon! A pity that hatred and ignorance has multiplied in the last year or so. It is incomprehensible how insane the world has become. I know it is the last days and things are only going to get worse! It is a spiritual battle we are in. Perhaps it is the ultimate spiritual battle to end them all, There is no denying it is growing darker and intensely evil on this planet. I am praying that God's folks will keep looking up, that we keep our eyes upon Jesus. We will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. I am so glad to be a blood bought child of the living God. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, the life!
I chose not to get the jab. I don't believe it is the mark of the beast that the bible warns us against but I believe it is preparing us for accepting the mark. Of course, it is dangerous in and of itself. I don't pretend to grasp the science of the experimental jab they call a vaccine, but I don't believe they are safe. I believe it is a part of the depopulation plan the elite have stirred up in their cauldron. Like the serpent in the garden, they begile us to partake, promising abundant health when actually they are peddling death. They used the virus to change the world for the worse and now the vaccine will eliminate a few billion mouths to feed, while they are planning slavery for the starving few who survive.
Now I've done it.....exposed myself as one of the nut cases they want to laugh out of existence.Call me what ever goofy name you like, it is enough I believe in Jesus Christ as the only way, the Holy Bible as the word of God, and that there is a sharp dividing line between Holiness and evil. I am so honored to be God's child. It really doesn't get any better than that. Oh, to know Him and love Him, knowing He loves me! I pray for all to know Him and to be saved. All--every last one!