Friday, October 26, 2012

Are We in "The Good 'Ol Days"?

     I can't get it out of my head---I believe soon we will look back on these days as the good 'ol days!   That is those who survive will remember these pre-horror days as great.  Children will find it difficult to imagine such a time of peace, plenty and freedom.  They will dream of those "once upon a time" days like we once dreamed of castles and knights in shining armour or other such wonderful fantasies.  They will wonder how we ever let such a wonderful  world slip from our grasp.  "Didn't you see all the signs of disaster that history showed us?" they will ask.   Will  we they wonder why we dozed while the world was overcome by God's enemies?   Will they determine in their hearts to cling to faith in Jesus no matter the cost, while being disappointed in us for failing?  Or, as we are already seeing, will they be so overrun by evil that they cannot or will not believe?  We are in a time of evil now but soon it will increase beyond belief.  The nightmare of the next few years will make this time seem like a dream, indeed.
      I believe there will always be a remnant of believers.  God loves us enough to keep His light shining in the darkness----even gross darkness.  I believe He will use the trials and persecutions to purify His people, making His bride without spot or wrinkle. 
     These days, we stumble along in a fog, nonchalantly complaining about trivial matters.  These days, while watchmen are crying out the wake-up call, while churches are still open to any who will come, while there are bibles available everywhere (at least in this country) we are unaware!
     In the gross darkness that is engulfing the earth, God is ever faithful.   He will overcome and we will too if we trust, obey and abide in Him.   Jesus is the answer.
     Then, oh then. when the tribulation days are past, the wrath has punished the evildoers, when  Jesus sets up His kingdom, the children will ask how we stood the evil days?  This slice of time in which we are now living will only be a short interlude in the six thousand years past.  During the last thousand year day they will enjoy the presence of God among His people.  Come, Lord Jesus!

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