Friday, November 30, 2012

Dare You?

These were written in 1990----it seems even more true in 2012!  The first one is to the sheep, the next to the shepherds, and lastly to the remnant.  
Dare You?
Dare you My Holy Word twist?
Dare you clench your tiny fist?
Dare you shake it in My face?
Dare you? dare you my anger taste?
Oh, wicked and perverse generation
You will surely see damnation
You love the world and not Me
You'd rather play than bend your knee
You play at church and think you're okay
You use My Name to get your own way
Dare you use My church to sell and buy?
Why dare you ignore Me---oh why?
Dare you wear  filthy rags of self-pride
Into My presence---not trying to hide
Thinking I'm pleased with your rottenness
Calling vilest sin, "a small transgress"
Dare you?---why, yes you dare
Thinking you are My bride so fair
Where is she, My perfect church, My bride?
I see only you who are filthy inside!
I'll have no church except without sin
Without spot or wrinkle---clean without and within
Dare you let Me purge you---dare you to self die?
Pick up your cross, follow Me---I will sanctify
My bride, my church, be ye purified
I am waiting to bid you to My side
I am calling---can't you hear?  Can't you see?
Dare you deny yourself and come follow Me?
Ho, you shepherds who mislead My sheep
Ignoring the bitter herbs, feeding them only sweet
You who lulled My bride to sleep
Their blood I will lay at your feet
You gave them mush and milk skimmed
You led them in greed, My purpose dimmed
You said, "I'm okay and you are, too,
God wants the very best for you."
You didn't tell them to repent
You didn't tell them of the wrath I've sent
on My people when perverted they became
Whoring with Satan---defiling My Holy Name
You need to be the first to repent
You who are sleek, fat and content
Judgment comes first to My household
My Word is clear---you have been told
Woe unto you---you hirelings paid well
You surely have increased the ranks in Hell
But I shall have My bride---her lamps filled with oil
In spite of your lazy lack of toil
I have a people---truly small in number
Who watch in the night---denying slumber
Sanctified and Holy they be
A bride prepared for Me
Among them are shepherds who won't compromise
Shepherds who willingly lay down their lives
They preach My word with no fear
Praying for faith in those who hear
Prepared they are by My hand
Despised and spurned by most every man
Willingly purged by the fiery trial are they
Denying self---they seek My narrow way
Never will I leave them, I love them all
They are the ones hearkening to My call
The are my pure and perfect bride
Who shall spend eternity by My side.

Jesus Loves Me

     When I began my Christian walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I had a lot of opposition.   It was not just from those in my family, (though that hurt the most) but from the dark forces of evil.  They'd had control of my life for so long, they weren't giving up without a fight. My mind was bombarded with filthy four letter words, really bad thoughts, and accusations galore.  Thankfully, I had a good church that taught me a solid foundation in scriptures.  My friend, Liz, and I searched the scriptures together daily.  Slowly I gained strength in my salvation. 
     During the first days, though, the thing that silenced the horrible thoughts was a child's song, "Jesus Loves Me".   I sang it while driving, while doing household chores, and whenever the oppression was overwhelming.  I wonder how many children of God that little song has blessed at one time or another in their lives?  It was appropriate for me because I was a newborn child of God and needed the reassurance of His love.  Still do!    
     A few days ago, someone sent me an e-mail with a senior's version of "Jesus Loves Me."  There was no author noted but I will pass it on anyway.   Here 'tis:

Jesus loves me, this I know
Though my hair is white as snow
Though my sight is growing dim
Still He bids me trust in Him
When the nights are dark and long
In my heart He puts a song
Telling me in words so dear
Haver no fear, for I am near
When my work on earth is done
And life's victories have been won
He will take me home above
Then I'll understand His love
I love Jesus, does He know?
Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say
That I love him everyday

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Singing With the Angels

     Sitting on my little porch in the early mornings, a cup of coffee in my hand, my kitty on my lap, and watching the sun peek through the trees is the best time of the day for me.  It is the time I pray to my Father God, sometimes quietly and other times in a more lively manner. Sometimes I even sing!  Me sing?  Well, yes, sorta.  I notice when I get caught up in singing "Amazing Grace"  or "This World is Not My Home", it causes my Katy Kat to unwind from her sleep, turn and look at me in an annoyed kind of way.  Her tail starts twitching, too.  Why, it almost as though she doesn't like my efforts at singing praise to the Lord!   It really doesn't bother me too much, for alas, I am used to negative reactions when I sing.
     It began when I was a little girl--maybe five or six.  I was singing a made-up song to an adorable kitten that I was playing with.  My mother stood over me and asked, "Who ever told you that you could sing?"   No encouragement there!
     When I was sixteen, I joined the Baptist church.  I also joined the choir because my best friend did.  She sang beautifully but I was put in the back where, being short, no one could see me.  That was fine because I was extremely shy.  Another odd thing was that the choir director told me to keep my voice low.   Okay, I get it--carrying a tune was not among my abilities.  My choir days were short and not-so-sweet.
     When my children were little, at last I had an appreciative audience when I sang to them the lullabies and silly dittys that a loving mother sings to her sweet babies.   As they grew, though, a funny thing happened---they would groan every time I began to sing.  Oh well, I could still sing in the shower. 
      Many years later I had a cockatiel named Koko.   She seemed to like me to sing to her.  I sang "Pretty Baby" while she cooed along with me---she couldn't carry a tune either. 
      Finally came the day my dear friend and neighbor, Patty, were asked to sing.  Actually!  The man was terminally ill with cancer.  We were visiting him and his wife, Emma, like good church ladies should do.  We hoped to at least let him know we cared and Jesus loved him.  He already knew Jesus loved him!  (If he had actually heard us singing, he would have wondered how much we cared, though.)   We gave each other an astonished look and began singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."  He lay in his hospital bed in a seemingly blissful state, eyes closed and a smile upon his lips.   To this day I believe he heard an angelic choir that drowned us out completely!     Why do I think that?   It could be because his wife, Emma, and her friend, Betty Jo, were almost in spasms laughing at us.   We could see them but the dear man could not.  He was so close to going home, he was already hearing the angels.   Awesome!  
      I think it was after that I began to only move my lips when they sang in church!   I was glad when my husband got saved and went to church with me, knowing if I accidentally uttered a sound, he would drown me out.
     I hope in heaven I'll actually be able to sing.   Do I dare hope?  If I can sing in heaven or not, I praise the Lord that I am His child, bought with the blood, and heaven is my home someday soon!