Thursday, May 7, 2015

Look Up--Look to Jesus!

     Sometimes it feels as though we are sitting on a powder keg, not knowing when it will blow but certain it will.   That is the world we live in.  
      I wrote awhile back about seeing men bowing to OBama during a 1908 news conference.  It was immediately taken away from sight---no doubt a mistake by the camera man.  Over the years I mentioned this incident to others but no one else saw it.  Till now. My husband's son, Mike, saw it and also a friend of his.  They didn't realize the significance, but both thought it was very strange.
     Strange indeed.  As far as I am concerned, that one thing is enough to give us notice we are in deep trouble as a nation.  That we are so blind to have elected OB should give us a clue. I won't list the depraved and wicked things we accept as normal.  I don't believe there is any stopping this disaster in progress----we are too far gone.   I only pray for folks to look to Jesus!   He is our only hope.   
     Look up!    Seek the Lord Jesus while there is still time!

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