Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Too Late?


     I think most everyone has heard the frog in boiling water story.  A frog in a pot of cold water is blissfully unaware when the heat is turned on.   Then, gradually the water temperature rises without any notice from Mr. Frog.   By the time it reaches the boiling point, its too late.  
     We in America, if not lobster red, are tumbling amidst merry little boil bubbles, soon to render us worthless, tasteless, and not fit for the dogs.   The sad thing is, most folks don't know and could care less that our culture has died the death of creeping crud and Godlessness.  What happened to morality?   To a culture without cursing and filth?   To  churches that taught the gospel of Jesus Christ without the fear of "offending someone"?   The "anything goes" culture has come to a roiling boil.  Is it too late?   Only God can answer that.  I hope its not too late for the lost souls to be saved--the multitudes who think God is just a cuss word. 
      I pray for a bountiful harvest for Jesus Christ--dear ones to come to know Him.  If its too late for our nation, please, Father God, don't let it be too late for the people.   Pour our Your Holy Spirit upon this nation, upon this planet earth.  Convict all of sin, convince all of their need for the only Savior, Jesus Christ. Convey Your great love in sending Your Son, to die on the cross, shedding His blood for payment of our sins and that He rose from the grave and is now seated at Your right hand, interceeding always for us. Thank you and amen
     John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

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