Monday, June 6, 2011

Yearning for Holiness

       I find myself with such a deep yearning for holiness and purity, its almost agonizing at times.  As this sin cursed world grows darker and filthier, I long for escape to a place called heaven where there is no darkness, no evil, and no hurt.   I can't understand how so called Christians can mix and mingle with the world.   It is painful to my spirit to hear four letter words.   Some things on TV make me want to hide under the bed----the oppression entering the house from the TV is suffocating at times.  If I were free to do so, the TV would be out of here!   I am grateful I don't have to hear it, at least.  Praise the Lord for earphones!
     Years ago I dreamed the house was swarming with demons---horribly ugly little critters chirping and chattering everywhere.   I followed the stream of confusion to where they were entering.   It was a radio in my then teen-aged son's bedroom.  It was blaring heavy metal!   Don't tell me that the airways don't carry demonic activity.   Idol worship doesn't have to be bowing down to a statue of some pagan Deity--it is immersion into evil activities that are anti-God.   Computer games are addictive soul destroyers!   Young folks are nowadays being continuously sucked into the entertainment idol.   Its like the old days when children were sacrificed to  Moloch.  Instead of placing the little kid on the white-hot arms to slide into the fire, now we set them in front of the TV or hand them a game-boy and they happily fry their souls, destroy their consciences, being ignorant of the righteousness of Jesus,they are  innocence sliding into the fire!  
    Father, HELP!     Wake up this generation before it is too late!  
    I pray that You will make sin a sickening thing for the lost ones, that You would give them hearts yearning for Holiness and that You would convict them unto repentance---that You would draw them to Jesus Christ---the Way, the Truth, the Life---and that they would be saved and filled with Your Precious Holy Spirit.   Father I pray that You would deliver Your children from evil and that You would convict us continually of sin---keep us on the straight and narrow way.  Father, purify Your Bride, the Church--make us without spot or wrinkle.  WHATEVER IT TAKES!  Persecution has historically purified Your people.   Let us embrace persecution if that is what we need to cleanse us.  Give us a yearning for the purity of God instead of the "stuff" of this world.  Father, I ask that You would protect us from wolves in sheep's clothing, deceivers, and all temptation.   Give us hearts after You that will not look to the left, right, or behind, but straight forward upon Your face.  Father, make us, Your children,--- lights reflecting You in this dark world.  Father,  I love You. Help me to love You more and to love others with Your love, to be righteous with Your righteousness,  to live and move and have my being in You alone.    I am so thankful to be Your blood-bought child.   amen

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