Saturday, July 16, 2011


     Following is an excerpt from an out-of-print book by G.C. Bevington called REMARKABLE MIRACLES.  This man lived in the beginning of the 20th century.  He preached sanctification as a second work.   Its hard for me to understand exactly what the teaching entailed but this I do know:  He was a man that loved God, was sold out to God in every area of his life, and wasn't afraid to obey and follow wherever God led him.   He had a burden for the lost and loved the poor and outcast.   He spent hours and days on his face in prayer.   He believed in "praying through" which I take to mean storming the throne of God until assured of God's attention and answer.  We don't know what "praying through" means in these days any more than we know the sanctification as described by Bevington.
     Many thought G.C. Bevington was a nut-case back in his day.  He was loved by some and hated by many.  He believed in and saw healing. He listened and heard God speak to him.  He knew how to "wait" on the Lord.  I don't think he had much money in his lifetime, nor was he afraid to work hard to earn his bread or help others.  So, what about sanctification as a second work?  I want to know more and if its of God, I want to experience it.
     In our modern world where everything is instant, easy, and tinsel-attractive, how much are we missing?  God hasn't changed.  I have longed for old-time on fire revival.  I have grown discouraged when no one seems interested, quit voicing my hopes and basically given up.  God, forgive me.  I believe we might see this old fashioned fervor again when we suffer persecution and hardship.   Until then, I'll keep looking up!

   Page 97 in Remarkable Miracles;  "Now came one of the most remarkable seven weeks of my life, right there in that man's house.  I never took off my clothes, and never preached a sermon; but just lay day and night on my face, praying, weeping, groaning, pleading, imploring, beseeching, besieging the Throne in behalf of the M.E. membership consisting of 300.  Some would get through and strike out for their friends, and they would come in wagon loads, bring their provisions and feed and often their cows, and stay until the whole lead got saved and sanctified.  Then they would strike out after someone else.  That was kept up seven weeks, day and night; no one eating, but one meal in twenty-four hours, and yet someone was out in the kitchen cooking all the time.  I got such a burden that I would not get up, but just lay there' and they would feed me like a baby.  Well, they claimed there were over 400 down there, and most of them prayed through.  Of all the times I ever saw this beat anything;  Some were praying, others crying, others testifying, others preaching, others shouting, others making restitution; but I just lay on my face, bathed in tears, and when it was all over I looked as though I had gone through a hard six weeks.  I think the most remarkable case was that of Jim's wife, as she had been of a boisterous nature or makeup.  Before this meeting she would run and shout and yell when giving her testimony.  She was the first to get through, and she lay under the power of God some sixty hours, and then was, oh, so different, none of that bold hilarious conduct; but she was so meek.  She just walked the floor, bathed in tears, wringing her hands, and not a word fell from her lips, just like a little country girl of eleven summers; and I tell you she lived salvation after that.  She and her husband and many, yes many, more lay there until they were sanctified.  Of course, news soon reached the village that I had come back there; and here the people came, the preacher as well and he got sanctified, as did his wife and many of his members.  So you see it pays to mind God and trust Him."

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